Are you looking at changing banks and refinancing a mortgage? Key Conveyancing specialises in the refinance of mortgages, and we can act for you regardless of where you reside. Simply finalise your financial arrangement and new loan structure with your new bank, and ask your bank to provide their mortgagee instructions to us. Then contact us with your details so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Once your new bank has provided their mortgage instructions to us, we then arrange with you the signing of the necessary documentation, plus we have the ability to witness you signing via an online appointment.
Our fee is $990.00** which includes GST and disbursements (when ownership is in your personal name ie not a company or trust). Note that most banks will provide the borrower with a legal contribution (subject to eligibility) paid directly to the borrowers bank account, for an amount which often exceeds our fee.
We attend to your refinance of mortgage transaction 2-3 working days after receipt of your completed documentation or other such date that you require. On settlement date, we receive your new loan proceeds into our trust account, repay your existing loan/s and discharge the old bank’s mortgage and then attend to the registration of the new mortgage.
** Add $250.00 if your NEW mortgage provider is either ANZ, Westpac or SBS. This additional fee is required because ANZ, Westpac and SBS require a law firm to be involved in the transaction to double handle the Banks documents and loan funds. We are more than happy to carry out your transaction and you do not deal directly with the lawyer that we nominate to complete this agency function.
Go to the Sorted website to learn more about changing banks and refinancing your mortgage